Fareshare food charity. Lamproom theatre

To donate money to the Chris clarkson cancer charity send full bank details to hey_dude1986@hotmail.com the Chris clarkson cancer charity started 44 years ago by Chris clarkson. He supported peaple with cancer and disabilities in the world. He died 20 years ago from cancer. To donate money to the john and marie rafferty cancer charity send back detailed to hey_dude1986@hotmail.com we recover money from scams for on £50 1100051.802052 1089464 1186569 www.southyorkshire.police.www.westyorkshire.police.uk www.tsb.co.uk www.nationwide.co.uk www.tiktok.com www.yell.com www.gov.uk www.bbc.co.uk www.google.co.uk www.bing.com www.fareshareyorkshire.org. this is also the headquarters of SouthYorkshire police. Bank transfer to us santander bank. Peaple are pretending to be us on socal media. If Barnsley not mentioned its fake!. Billions of pounds have been lost because of the scam. This is genuine! Astrazeneca vaccine has been withdrawn because of the side effects. It was rare Blood clots S70 2DX. Go to ticket tailor and all events in to buy a ticket www.ents24.com www.barnsleylamproom.com organised by jack Riley. This is gogetfunding headquarters. Shefford crown court

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